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  • 两分钟介绍美国饮食习惯的英语作文
    In England, people always have some bread and milk for breakfast on weekday which is always in a hurry. But on weekends, breakfast is a big feast with bacon, porridge, coffee, eggs, toasts, cakes, and so on. 在英国,人们总是在工作日的时候匆匆忙忙的吃一些面包和牛奶来当午餐。但在周末,早餐是非常丰1的,有培根,鸡蛋,粥,咖啡,面包,蛋糕等等。 As for lunch,...
    Time:2024年03月28日 11:08:05  Read:71℃
  • 英语作文---写春游-----用第三人称写
    Spring Outing Last sunday ,Tom's class went for a spring outing.It's pleasant for Tom to go to the zoo to see the animals.Tonm had seen many kinds of animals in the zoo .Such as monkey ,goose,duck,snake and so on.Tom was interested in monkey.The monkey looked like human beings,they can do the thi...
    Time:2024年03月06日 15:42:04  Read:64℃
  • 用英语写春游
    Recovery of all things spring, spring rain Sasa it like a fluttering gently footsteps of the painter, a Buliu Shen it has to every corner of the earth printed on a color.Field, flower garden, the forest have a girl left behind traces of the spring, she decorated in earth Huanran, a new, beautiful an...
    Time:2024年03月06日 07:42:03  Read:68℃
  • 乐山特色小吃 英文
    豆腐脑,翘脚牛肉 ,麻辣烫,西坝豆腐,甜皮鸭 介绍都江堰四季的景色和应季的小吃 英语作文 我们都只是不同轨道上的弧线A,起起落落中有许多,还是虚情假意的称兄道弟朋友这扇门,留住了我们在十里烟尘中最后一丝幻想和那凄风冷雨中最后一点温存,中间永远隔着一扇难以敞开的门。无论是一碗烈酒的生死之交。————题记或许,朋友就是这样.. 介绍鹤山的美食英语作文 推荐地点:荔枝湾生态美食酒楼出行路线: 荔枝湾生态美食酒楼位于三连路新桥侧,没有公交车直达。外地朋友从鹤山汽车总站下车后,可以直接打的,8元钱就到了。 精彩亮点: 荔枝湾生态美食酒楼自开业以来,以与众不同的特色经营赢得了鹤山市民的赞赏...
    Time:2024年03月05日 23:41:05  Read:58℃
  • 用英文介绍四川辣子鸡,水煮肉片,灯影牛肉,麻婆豆腐
    翻译结果四川辣子鸡,水煮肉片,灯影牛肉,麻婆豆腐Images sichuan spicy chicken, boiled meat, beef and bean curd 谁有比较全面的成都名小吃的英文名称?! 蛋烘糕:Baked Egg Cake;叶儿粑:Glutinous Rice Dumpling in Lotus Leaves;驴打滚Donkey Rolling Cake(Bean Flour Cakes);四川汤圆:Sichuan Sweet Dumplings;红油水饺:Chilli-sauced Boiled Dumplings;担担面Dan Dan Noodles:;小笼包子:...
    Time:2024年03月03日 07:35:03  Read:87℃
  • 因为我们能去春游 怎么用英语写
    因为我们能去春游Because we can go to spring outing望采纳!谢谢! 我们去旅游用英语怎么说?? go for a trip 或go traveling哦,记住罗。 用英语造句:3月份我们要去郊游怎么造? We're going to suburb area (或:countryside) for a trip in March....
    Time:2024年03月03日 03:43:05  Read:70℃
  • 我们在春季去香山公园用英语怎么说
    we go to xiangshan park in Spring 春游的英语作文 我对这个有经验 看和等我的记录 Friday, in this day of April, we held a very interesting outing. Spring has come, the sky is clear. After 10 o'clock, we set out. Then came a big field. We started to play. Tom is our team captain, he brought a lot of good. We cook the food a...
    Time:2024年03月02日 15:41:04  Read:80℃